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Celebration of Manhood

Celebration of Manhood

Celebration of Manhood

Luther Lather Shaving Creamery proudly presents the bespoken creation for the goodwill of wet shavers everywhere. 

We don’t need to be the only shave cream that You own. We just want to be Your most cherished and meaningful one You use.

Based on that merit, we hope to be passed down to other generations of You.

This is the Luther Lather experience.
This is the Celebration of Manhood. 


Batchmaker generations



Shaving legacy

Luther Lather Shaving Creamery is a privately owned shop that churns out MicroBatch Luxe Shave Cream. Luther Lather is fiercely dedicated to bringing back the swagger of well-groomed Gentlemen by way of the proper wet shave. #Thisisthecelebrationofmanhood