So, What is it?
Inspired by Antique shaving mugs, Oktoberfest Beer Hall Steins and a hammer finish Wedding ring, we have created what will represent our Brands soul for years to come. Behold the Luther Lather Shaving Stein.
The 6.8 oz Aluminum Hammer finish Shave Stein comes with twist lid. Each Aluminum stein is handcrafted individually and will have distinct dimples that may vary between steins. These are truly unique and have matching dimpled twist lids that are custom fitted to each stein.
The Stein is sold and filled with YOUR preferred whipped shave cream of choice. Once the Stein is fully empty, please refrain from throwing away into garbage. Simply reorder the refillable bladder online or swing by our flagship store for freshly whipped shave cream to replenish into your stein. Very similar to your favorite ale being refilled into your growler.
It's refillable. It's reusable. It's travel friendly. It's durable. It's yours to enjoy and share.

How it stands apart
Luther Lather is a true shave cream (3-in-1) as it is intentionally made to be used as a Shave Butter+Moisturizer+ Aftershave. The texture of the cream will be similar to cake frosting or icing.
A helpful reminder to consider is once shaving is compete with Luther Lather refrain from rinsing off face or skin. Unlike other shave soaps that repel water Luther Lather absorbs into the skin to moisturize. Any shave cream residue left on the face or brush can be rubbed into the skin post shave. The honey and coconut oil in our shave butter gives the skin a refreshed & moisturized feel or appearance.

This is for the generations that came long before us. Saluting the days when things took a little more time & effort to do a job well done. From bankers to bricklayers, from fishermen to diplomats, we whisk this jar in ceremony. This is the Celebration of Manhood.