He stands ever so still in silence...Eyes fixated on the mask of masculine mud
bestowed in the reflection of himself.
His shave stein glowing in chrome, sits untwisted & open with dignity.
Resting sink side sits a brush smothered in a wet jacket of froth from the ceremonial whisk.
Lips pressed tight, waiting still, caked with white foam.
His nostrils inhaling subtle notes of vanilla, cinnamon and tobacco that linger in the steamy bathhouse air.
Gentle, careful strokes, from side to side moves the sharp steel edge. He pauses every so often allowing the hot faucet to rinse off particles of facial wool.
With grace, the steel edge draws around the corners of chin, before catching the undercarriage of the exposed and vulnerable throat.
Stroke. stroke. stroke. rasp. rasp .rasp.
Down fall the whiskers into a swimming pool of ivory porcelain.
The Blade follows drawn lines from the gentle strokes prior.
There he stands, motionless taking time to acknowledge the fallen grains of yesterday.
The strikes of first pass ever so revealing the now defined chiseled jaw and distinctive mouth lines that were once hidden beneath a dark shadow of stubble.
Behold a Gentlemen is revealed.
Handcrafted with Conviction. Sold on Merit.
From the Pride of Prince Edward Island.
#thisisthecelebrationofmanhood #shavingcreamery #meetthemaker #lutherlather #luxeshavecream #giftsformen #giftsforhim #lutherlather #finegrooming #lutherlathershavingcreamery #luxeshave #wetshave #shavingbrush #luxurymens #mensluxurycollection #shaving
Luther Lather Shaving Creamery pays homage to the generations that came long before us. Saluting the days when things took a little more time & effort to do a job well done. Inspired by Past Era Legends and Grandfathers whom took time to elevate this daily ritual.